3 Ways to Mind Your Mental as a Working Woman

Mental Health has become such a hotter topic these days and I’m definitely here for it because it should be taken just as serious as one’s physical health! As a millennial working woman who was once ashamed and not as nearly as comfortable as I am now to share my truth about my own mental struggles, I’m sharing three major things that have helped me through them. Maintaining good mental health is necessary for leveling up, in life. So, I highly encourage you to try all three of them to be more intentional about your maintenance! 

 1. Accept Who You Are and Where You Are.

If you haven’t already, take some time to get familiar with yourself. Identify current personal features such as your personality type, core values, political views, skills and talents, likes, and dislikes as well as what makes you happy vs what pushes your buttons, how you prefer to spend your free time vs how you prefer to make money, and what you’re good at vs what you’re not so good at. Also acknowledge the personal experiences that have greatly shaped or molded you and your view on life. Now accept the things you’ve just acknowledged by making peace with their existence. You are who you are, and it is what it is! 

Then, make peace with your current circumstances and the fact that you may not be exactly where you want to be. Accept that you’re an imperfect human being actively working to achieve your goals by doing the very best you can with what you currently have. Growth and success usually happen over time, but not over night! 

Doing these things help increase self-confidence and relieves a lot of the pressure we sometimes put on ourselves to keep up with what everybody else has going on. They also make it easier for you to cater to your wellbeing and desires.

2. Express Your Thoughts and Feelings.

Naturally private people tend to keep their true feelings and thoughts to themselves because they find comfort and peace in not sharing and opening the floor for feedback. Some people only keep their feelings and thoughts to themselves due to the fear of being judged and treated differently. And then some people desire to share but just don't know the best way to express themselves.

If either of those describe you or if you're having a hard time in this area, for other reasons, I encourage you to either find someone you really trust and/or get a pen and some paper and simply release (vent). I encourage praying as well. Holding in your thoughts/feelings and allowing them to just build up can become overwhelming, so overwhelming that they begin to affect different areas of your life. Not releasing can prevent you from clearly thinking and properly responding in certain professional and personal situations as well as can cause stress to the physical body.

Side note: If you think you may want or need help unpacking and sorting through your thoughts and emotions, I encourage you to try speaking to a licensed Therapist or Counselor! I used to be totally against doing this but speaking to a mental health professional is one of the best decisions I’ve ever made! 

3. Show Love to Your Body.

Taking care of your physical being includes being mindful of food and beverage consumption, getting enough rest, exercising, and taking pride in your overall physical appearance. Research has shown that the things you eat and drink can affect your mood and mental health. So, it’s important to have a good balanced diet. I’m not a nutrition expert but I can tell you that consuming a lot of fast food and alcohol can contribute to you often feeling tired and sluggish. I encourage you to consume less of that and more of home cooked meals that consist of healthier choices like fruits and vegetables. Also, make sure you’re drinking an adequate (at least 64 oz) amount of eater each day.

If you’re already physically active and you have a weekly workout routine, kudos to you! If you’re not physically active, it’s okay to start your fitness journey off small. Don’t feel pressure to start with hard core cardio or heavy weights. Just do something to get your blood pumping and your muscles working, such as a steady paced walk or light jog for about 15 – 20 minutes a day. If you feel you need an accountability partner, try joining a group fitness class or getting a personal trainer. Exercising can, not only, relieve tension and stress but lead to better sleep and a sharpened memory. 

Lastly, be mindful about how you look when you leave the house each morning. Do a hygiene, grooming, and clothing check and make sure you’re showing up to the world as the goal-digging boss babe you are or want to become. When you look good, you feel good!

Bonus Ways:

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help, Take Intentional Breaks, and Do More of What You Enjoy!


Are You in Your Own Way?