Are You in Your Own Way?

As millennials, one thing we have in common is the desire to Level Up. How we do that is where we differ. Some of us are focusing on furthering education, securing the bag with a new job or business, or signing for a new car or home. Others are focusing more on finding themselves, healing from past hurt, mending broken relationships, or making healthy lifestyle changes. 

Regardless of what we’re trying to accomplish, it’s inevitable that we’ll run into some adversity on our way there. We’ll have moments where it feels like no matter how much we desire to move forward, we just can’t. Once we enter those moments, naturally, we begin looking around in confusion and frustration as we try to figure out what’s going on and why. And in our attempt to comprehend, many of us are quick to start placing blame on the people and things within our reach, but slow to self-reflect and consider if we’re the problem or how we may be contributing to the problem.

I hate to break it to you, but the truth is, sometimes it’s us. Yes sis, sometimes it’s you! Sometimes, you’re the problem, the reason you’re not making progress. Sometimes, you’re really standing in your own way. I know it may be hard to understand how, so here are a few limiting beliefs & behaviors you may personally recognize.

“What if …?” (Fear) 

You’re afraid the journey may be too hard. You’re afraid of things not going as planned and being labeled as a disappointment. You’re afraid of losing things and people in the process. You’re afraid to repeat past mistakes. You’re afraid to take risks. You’re afraid of leaving the familiar and walking into the unknown. The fear you allow to consume you prevents you from simply trying.

“They say …” (Keeping Bad Company)

You continue to surround yourself with lazy, small-minded, negative, or draining people. Whether you realize it or not those people, who are probably content with where they are in life and rarely have anything good to say, will more than likely begin to negatively impact the way you think about yourself and your future. If they’re not motivating you to move forward, they’re probably taking you backward or helping you remain stagnant.

“Whew, I just don’t know if I do or if I can …” (Unhealthy Self-Doubt)

You don’t feel deserving or worthy of what you desire and you often second guess if you can even accomplish or obtain whatever that is. When you lack confidence, you tend to miss out on chances to experience your full potential and ultimately, settle for less. 

“I’ll do it later.” (Procrastination)

Either you know certain tasks require hard work and you don’t feel prepared enough to do it and/or you just don’t feel like doing it, or you’ve convinced yourself to just wait for the perfect time or circumstances to make a move. Regardless of which one it is, all excuses can lead to wasted time, decreased productivity, and increased levels of guilt, anxiety, and stress.

“Nah, I’m good, I don’t need help” (Closed Mindedness)

You’re not open to hearing and considering ideas and viewpoints that differ from yours. You have a hard time asking for help and receiving it when it’s offered. There’s always room for improvement because nobody is perfect, and with your “know it all” attitude you often miss opportunities to learn & grow.

If at least one of those hit home for you, I’m asking you to do yourself a favor. Get Out of The Way! Believe in Yourself, Take a Leap of Faith, Put Your Pride to the Side, Surround Yourself with People that Want You to Win, and Start Putting in Work Now! 


New Year, a More Focused You


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