Pushing Through Adversity: 15 Truths

The last five years of my wellness journey have consisted of me recovering from heartbreak, humiliation, people pleasing, depression, and anxiety. While recently thinking back on everything I’ve endured and how far I’ve come, I realized that although certain things happened to me, the journey has been much bigger than me. God allowed me to move, learn, overcome, and gain not just as preparation for the next season of my life but to help others progress through theirs. These are just some of the gems I’ve picked up along the way. Somebody needs to know:

1.    Sometimes the most difficult & unpopular decision is indeed the best decision.

2.    It's okay to do what's best for you, even if those around you don't understand or agree with whatever that is.

3.    It's okay to take a step back (physically create distance) to heal, because you can't do that in the same place you got sick.

4.    It's okay to walk away from what no longer serves you and/or from what harms or drains you more than it helps or positively pours into you ... no matter how much or how long you've invested in it.

5.    It's okay to take the high road by not seeking revenge, forgiving and making peace, and loving from a distance.

6.    It's okay to be honest with yourself and others about how you feel, what you want, and what you need. And it's certainly okay to stay true to yourself by honoring those things.

7.    It's okay to dare to be different by choosing to not live your life or a life that others want for you, but you know isn't the best for you.

8.    It's okay to say NO to them and say YES to God and yourself.

9.    It's okay to stand up for yourself, in whatever capacity you feel necessary.

10.  It's okay if the world never hears your side of the story. Your truth is yours & God already knows it. His opinion trumps all.

11.  It's imperative to trust God & what he allows, even when it's something you don't like or something that hurts. He sees and hears what you don’t and always has your best interests at heart.

12.  It's not a rumor or theory. It's proven fact that God takes care of his own, especially when the heart & intentions are pure.

13.  God will give you what you need to endure the unthinkable. He’ll even restore what you may lose in the process and give you better.

14.  You don't have to settle for less. If you're crazy enough to believe that there's more to life than the moments of adversity you face, God will meet your crazy and allow you to experience so much more.

15.  What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. So cliché but so true.


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