New Year, a More Focused You

Although it’s the top of a new year, many people are still reflecting on the past one! Specifically, they’re reflecting on their accomplishments, failures, and significant things in between (what they enjoyed vs. what they despised) personally and professionally. 

You and I, both, know that during those moments of reflection it is easy to wander off in thought and start evaluating the lives of others. And if we are really being honest here, you would agree that shortly after the evaluations come the comparisons. It is also easy to get caught up in comparing our life’s lists to others’. 

While reviewing other people’s year-end summary can be reassuring, inspiring, and motivating, it can also be a bit frustrating and overwhelming. If those people are much further along than you are or if they were able to do/obtain things you’d plan to but weren’t able to or you’re in the process of trying to, you can begin to negatively look at yourself and feel that you’re either not capable, not doing enough, or you’re simply behind. 

There’s probably always going to be something more you can do, but I want to remind you that it’s certainly not the truth that you just cannot or that you are behind. According to God’s plans and what He has allowed, you are where you are supposed to be. Everybody’s journey is different. Therefore, we will not always be in the same chapter, on the same page, in the same place, at the same time no matter our age, status, or relationship with one another. 

I encourage you to do the best you can to stay away from the comparisons! But if you must compare, don’t you dare allow what you see happening to and for others to distract you or decrease your belief in self. 

This year, the pandemic added an interesting plot twist to everybody’s plans. Some people believe that it should have made us go harder in our efforts to succeed and some believe that it should have slowed us down and made us take a deeper/closer look within ourselves and at our surroundings. Regardless of how other people think you should’ve handled the year, I encourage you to “Give Yourself Grace”. Do so while you reflect and while you move forward!

Be proud of what you have learned, accomplished, and survived (big or small) so far. Make a detailed plan to address the things you want to improve and start the new year off strong, even if that means you need to reset and start your new year tomorrow (yes, tomorrow lol). 

Do not put too much pressure on the past or on what others are doing or have done. Focus more on yourself and checking items off your list. 

Stay in your lane! Understand that direction is far more important than pace. Keep doing the best you can and keep moving forward!


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